Wednesday, November 5, 2008

All boy

Liam is all boy! He is now 18 months and he loves balls and cars. He is starting to talk. Liam is so much fun, he loves to play with his sisters and the neighbor kids. Liam has discovered climbing and he is fast at it, just today I was making dinner and the next thing I know he is on the table yikes, I am used to girls my girls did not climb. I am afraid of where I will find him next.

Here are some pics of my cute little boy.

I've been tagged

I've been tagged a few times so I will finally tell the six weird things about me.

#1. I hate doing dishes, I will clean my house spotless, but will still have a sink of dishes to do.

#2. I am very picky with my clothing and how it fits.

#3. I crave exercising. If I miss a day or two at the gym I go through withdrawals.

#4. I would rather spend money on my kids before myself.

#5. I am kind of needy. I don't know what I would do without my Hubie.

#6. I will always fall asleep watching a movie at home.

That was kind oh hard for me to do, I think I am just a weird person. I hope you learned a few new things about me.

We may not have it all together, but together we have it all