Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Blooming photographer

I am so excited about the pictures I took today and I want you all to see them. I didn't get birthday pictures for Cambree and Chloee and I didn't get Liams 18 month pictures. We had plans to get a family picture taken but we had to cancel that. So I wanted to get some pictures of the kids so I can get some Christmas cards made. So today I got the kids dressed and I took them to the amphitheater at the Timpanogos Temple. That is a beautiful place all year long. I am quite proud of the pictures I took. The kids were so good and they had fun I took a lot of pictures and when we got home I had a blast cropping them. So I ordered my Christmas cards and now I am going to order more of the photos and put them on my wall. So tell me what you think?

I love Liams expression in this picture! Liam was a goofball today.

Cambree and Chloees Birthdays

I know I am a little slow at this. We celebrated Cambree and Chloees birthdays all month in October. I think we had a party each weekend. It was a lot of fun and of corse the girls loved all the attention. We do celebrate their birthdays separate. What we do as a family is, we let the girls pick where they want to eat dinner and after dinner we take them to Toys R Us and let them pick out a present. We usually do this the weekend before their birthdays and they love it. We are a part of the Geoffrey's birthday club so when we go to Toys-R-US they announce over the speaker that it is their birthday they think they are so special. We had a friend party at our place in the "back yard" (that's what the girls call it), the girls invite their friends and we decorated cupcakes and just let the kids play it was a lot of fun. We also had a family party which was wonderful, most everyone in the family came. It was really nice to see everyone. October is our busy time for birthdays now we get to rest until April then we get to celebrate Liams. Thanks Rachel for the great pictures, I am trying to get better at remembering to take pictures. Here are some pictures of all the parties we had for them.

Cambrees and Chloees birthday party at grandpa and grandma Webbers. Thanks for opening your house and for the great food. Holly, Cambree and Maggie just chilling in the "back yard".

Hunter showing off his cup cake
Neighbor kids enjoying the cup cakes
The Birthday Girls! Cambree 6 Chloee 4

Happy Birthday!!

We may not have it all together, but together we have it all