Tuesday, June 30, 2009


It has only been six months ok almost seven months since I updated this. Since December we have moved again but this time we purchased. We bought a condo in Lehi and we love it here. Cambree finished kindergarten and can't wait to start 1st grade. Liam turned two in April he is growing up way too fast for me. In May Matt and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. Matt and I also went on our first real vacation with out the kids, I love my kids but Disneyland is totally different without kids, it was fantastic we had a great time. This summer Cambree and Chloee are taking swimming lessons they just started and are loving it. They like it so much I just signed them up for another session. Cambree starts soccer in August along with 1st grade she can't wait to each lunch with the big kids. Chloee will start preschool in September which I can't wait for. Liam will have mom all to himself from Sep 2009 to May 2010. I hope you all enjoy the pictures. These are random pictures from the last six months

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We may not have it all together, but together we have it all