Monday, June 14, 2010

Annual Update

Wow it has been a year and what a year it was. The Webber family is doing great and having a blast with life. To start off this summer the kids have three sessions of swimming lessons and they are doing awesome. Cambree is also playing soccer she is getting better and better with each game. Since school is out I am currently not working hoping to take the summer off, but you never know what curve ball life throw at you. Matt has been busy studying for the series 10 test which he is planning on taking on Wednesday if he feels ready. Our other plan for the summer is a Webber Family vacation in July, I am really excited for it I can't wait we always have a great time with the extended family. We also had a family wedding in April congrats Cory and Katie. Matt and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary, I can't believe it has been 13 years, the best years of my life. My sister Tricia and her family moved to So. Cal so we had family pictures taken and I think they turned out really good. The kids have all grown so much I can't believe how big they are getting. Well so long for now, I will try to blog more often. Enjoy these pics.

Families can be together forever

What beautiful blessings I have been given

Cambree 2010

Liam 2010

Chloee, Liam,
and Cambree

I am so blessed to have an amazing family!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


It has only been six months ok almost seven months since I updated this. Since December we have moved again but this time we purchased. We bought a condo in Lehi and we love it here. Cambree finished kindergarten and can't wait to start 1st grade. Liam turned two in April he is growing up way too fast for me. In May Matt and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. Matt and I also went on our first real vacation with out the kids, I love my kids but Disneyland is totally different without kids, it was fantastic we had a great time. This summer Cambree and Chloee are taking swimming lessons they just started and are loving it. They like it so much I just signed them up for another session. Cambree starts soccer in August along with 1st grade she can't wait to each lunch with the big kids. Chloee will start preschool in September which I can't wait for. Liam will have mom all to himself from Sep 2009 to May 2010. I hope you all enjoy the pictures. These are random pictures from the last six months

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Blooming photographer

I am so excited about the pictures I took today and I want you all to see them. I didn't get birthday pictures for Cambree and Chloee and I didn't get Liams 18 month pictures. We had plans to get a family picture taken but we had to cancel that. So I wanted to get some pictures of the kids so I can get some Christmas cards made. So today I got the kids dressed and I took them to the amphitheater at the Timpanogos Temple. That is a beautiful place all year long. I am quite proud of the pictures I took. The kids were so good and they had fun I took a lot of pictures and when we got home I had a blast cropping them. So I ordered my Christmas cards and now I am going to order more of the photos and put them on my wall. So tell me what you think?

I love Liams expression in this picture! Liam was a goofball today.

Cambree and Chloees Birthdays

I know I am a little slow at this. We celebrated Cambree and Chloees birthdays all month in October. I think we had a party each weekend. It was a lot of fun and of corse the girls loved all the attention. We do celebrate their birthdays separate. What we do as a family is, we let the girls pick where they want to eat dinner and after dinner we take them to Toys R Us and let them pick out a present. We usually do this the weekend before their birthdays and they love it. We are a part of the Geoffrey's birthday club so when we go to Toys-R-US they announce over the speaker that it is their birthday they think they are so special. We had a friend party at our place in the "back yard" (that's what the girls call it), the girls invite their friends and we decorated cupcakes and just let the kids play it was a lot of fun. We also had a family party which was wonderful, most everyone in the family came. It was really nice to see everyone. October is our busy time for birthdays now we get to rest until April then we get to celebrate Liams. Thanks Rachel for the great pictures, I am trying to get better at remembering to take pictures. Here are some pictures of all the parties we had for them.

Cambrees and Chloees birthday party at grandpa and grandma Webbers. Thanks for opening your house and for the great food. Holly, Cambree and Maggie just chilling in the "back yard".

Hunter showing off his cup cake
Neighbor kids enjoying the cup cakes
The Birthday Girls! Cambree 6 Chloee 4

Happy Birthday!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

All boy

Liam is all boy! He is now 18 months and he loves balls and cars. He is starting to talk. Liam is so much fun, he loves to play with his sisters and the neighbor kids. Liam has discovered climbing and he is fast at it, just today I was making dinner and the next thing I know he is on the table yikes, I am used to girls my girls did not climb. I am afraid of where I will find him next.

Here are some pics of my cute little boy.

I've been tagged

I've been tagged a few times so I will finally tell the six weird things about me.

#1. I hate doing dishes, I will clean my house spotless, but will still have a sink of dishes to do.

#2. I am very picky with my clothing and how it fits.

#3. I crave exercising. If I miss a day or two at the gym I go through withdrawals.

#4. I would rather spend money on my kids before myself.

#5. I am kind of needy. I don't know what I would do without my Hubie.

#6. I will always fall asleep watching a movie at home.

That was kind oh hard for me to do, I think I am just a weird person. I hope you learned a few new things about me.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cambrees first day of school

Cambree started school on August 25th 2008 and she loves it. I thought we would be busier but for the first time since I have had kids we have had a routine, it has been forced upon us.We walk Cambree to school and when we get home Chloee gets to spend some good time alone with me and Liam naps then we walk and pick Cambree up (I hope the walking pays off, it is quite the incline pushing a full double stroller). When Cambree gets home she does her homework and then we all sit down and read for 20 min together, so far it has been great. All three kids go to bed at 8:00 and they get right up in the morning. I wish I would have been a more disciplined mom and had stuck to a routine from the beginning.
So far Cambree has had a back to school night where we got to meet her teacher and see what she will be doing this year in school. She has brought home book order, fundraisers, and of course her homework folder. I really like her teacher and have been really impressed by the Alpine School District. I can't believe how fast she has grown up, Cambree is such a great sister and a wonderful helper. Me as her mother I need to let the leash out a little bit more now that she wants to be a little more independent.

Cambree's First day of school.

Cambree is already distracted

Cambree was so excited

This kids were so cute when they lined up and walked into class all by themselves. Cambree did so well she said good bye gave me a hug and she was gone.

The school district has a strict pick up policy which I don't mind. If you pick up your child you need to meet them by the flag pole give your teacher a high five so the teacher sees who the child is leaving with. I am sure all schools are the same, but this is new to me.

Webber Family

We may not have it all together, but together we have it all